Political Ecology: Global and Local (Innis Series) артикул 13749c.
Political Ecology: Global and Local (Innis Series) артикул 13749c.

This collection is drawn from a recent Global Political conference held to mark the centenary of the birth of Harold Innis, Canada's most important political economist Throughout his life, Innis was concerned with topics which remain central to political ecology today, such as the link between culture and nature, the impact of humanity on the ожвеэ environment and the role of technology and communications In this volume, the contributors address environmental issues which Innes was concerened with, from a contemporary, political economy perspective They explore a wide range of themes and issues including: sustainability; risk and regulation; population growth; and planetary management Case studies provide further insight into issues such as industrial racism, women and development and collective action.  В том входитISBN 0415183812.